1. When does Sleep Guardian check for updates in my calendar?
Sleep Guardian checks for calendar updates 10 minutes before a Tracked Alarm. If the meeting time has been moved, your alarm will be moved as well. Otherwise, Sleep Guardian has an automatic refresh upon opening and an intermittent refresh when it is in the background.

2. Why didn’t my alarm ring?
- Your Calendar Access may be turned off. To correct this go to Settings, then choose Sleep Guardian then toggle Allow Access to the Calendar.

- Your phone may be in Silent Mode.
This is the small switch on the upper left side of your phone. When the switch is flipped up, Silent Mode is off, when it is flipped down, Silent mode is on (and shows an orange stripe when silenced).

Due to limitations with iOS, Sleep Guardian uses notification functionality to create an alarm on your phone. This means that if you have your phone silenced, the notifications will only pop up on the screen and will not include a sound to wake you up.  So please do not leave your phone on Silent on days you want Sleep Guardian to wake you up, or instead use the Sleep or Do Not Disturb functions and allow notifications from Sleep Guardian.

The Sleep/Do Not Disturb function can be found under Settings, Focus, then Sleep/Do Not Disturb. From here, add Sleep Guardian to your allowed list to send notifications and then set a schedule to silence all other notifications.

3. My meeting was rescheduled but my alarm didn’t change.
In order for Sleep Guardian to protect your sleep you need to enable “Track meeting changes” when you are setting your Alarm Time and then press “Save.”

Ensure your Background Refresh is enabled. Check this in your Settings, press General, Background App Refresh. Make sure this setting is enabled, along with the Background Refresh specifically for Sleep Guardian.

Other reasons your tracked alarm may not update is if your phone is on low battery, you have too many apps open in the background or your data is low. To optimize sync capability plug in your phone, connect to wifi and close any unused app from the background.

4. My Alarm isn’t loud enough.
Make sure to check your ringtone and alert volume that can be found in Settings then Sounds & Haptics. You will see a volume slider to increase or decrease the volume of your alerts.

5. I’m a heavy sleeper and I work in many different time zones. Any advice on how to maximize Sleep Guardian to ensure I wake up?
Sleep Guardian’s notifications and sounds will come through your Apple Watch as well. If you are particularly tired, try sleeping with your watch on!
Add space here
Setting your alarm notification to Persistent Banner Style can help. In order to do this click Settings, Notifications, and choose Sleep Guardian from the list of apps. Change banner style from Temporary to Persistent.

6. Can’t see your calendar?

Sleep Guardian asks for calendar access the first time the app is opened. If you do not allow access you must go to Settings, choose Sleep Guardian then Toggle Allow Access to the Calendars. 

Sleep Guardian connects to all the calendars on your phone.  If your work calendars are not showing up please check with your company's IT department to see if they have security in place that limits which apps can view their data.  If that is the case, we would be happy to work with them to ensure they are comfortable with allowing access. We’ve done this with other organizations and it is usually a simple process focused on data privacy (Sleep Guardian does not store any calendar data).   Please reach out to help@sleepguardian.ca and we will be happy to work with you on this.

Calendars that will be visible

iOS calendars

7. When your tracked alarm is before your daily alarm will my daily alarm still go off?

Yes, for example if your tracked alarm is at 6:30am and your daily alarm is set to 8:00am both alarms will go off

8. What does “Cancel if rescheduled past your daily alarm” mean? This function enables Sleep Guardian to cancel your tracked alarm if it moves past the time of your daily alarm on the day of the original meeting.

Example: Your tracked alarm is at 7:00am and your daily alarm is set to 8:00am, if your tracked alarm gets moved past 8:00am then it will be canceled and only your daily alarm will go off.

9. Why is my Alarm Time orange on the calendar screen? Your alarm time is orange when it is in snooze mode.

10. Why is there a small dot next to the alarm clock on my tracked alarm? When your tracked alarm gets rescheduled a small dot appears to the right hand side of the alarm clock next to the saved alarm.

11. Why do some calendar dates show up red when I select them and others are blue?  Red highlights today’s date and Blue highlights other dates when you select them.

12. More questions? Reach out to hello@sleepguardian.ca